Exploring the Maya civilization

Last updated: 15/11/2023
Contributor: Teachit Author
Exploring the Maya civilization
Main Subject
History: Non-European society
Resource type
Role play/debate/discussion
Student activity

A comprehensive PowerPoint covering key aspects of ancient Maya civilization: religion, culture, family life and architecture. Children learn about Maya writing and the number system, as well as Maya gods, buildings, clothing and even ball games! Lots of photographs are included to help stimulate discussion.

The PowerPoint is supported by an accompanying set of worksheets which provide a wide range of activities with cross-curricular links. Children carry out independent research, label a map of Central America, complete city fact files, design their own Maya clothing and much more besides. Finally, they compare their own life to that of a Maya child.

This is a must-have resource for a KS2 topic on Maya civilization!

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By searching the Internet and I currently use the other Teachit provisions.

Gary Nelson


By searching the Internet and I currently use the other Teachit provisions.

Gary Nelson
